QR-code erlang library
I found a good qrcode erlang library, added rebar support
life notes and experience
I found a good qrcode erlang library, added rebar support
Here’s a quick example of how to build XML documents in Erlang using xmerl. The basic idea is to first transform your data into xmerl’s
You can track your /etc directory with git, and have apt update it automatically each time a package is installed.
Secondary Indices fundamentally change data modeling in Riak. Model one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships simply and efficiently.
One of the many nifty features of bash is that it provides context-sensitive completion, but for some reason this capability isn’t part of the bash
This Erlang version is pretty much a straight translation of this perl-flavoured socket policy file to give credit where it’s due
Simple wrapper for google translate api
The following procedures have been tested on my Motorola milestone with CyanogenMod v7.
Howto upgrade your postgresql-8.3 to postgresql-9.0
Erlang can more than you expect