Agner: a repository of libraries and applications
Agner is a rebar-friendly Erlang package index inspired by Clojars and Homebrew. Essentially, Agner is an index of Erlang packages with some extra capabilities such as versioning, downloads and so on. Agner is a shorthand for A Giant Nebula of Erlang Repositories. It also pays homage to the Danish statistician Agner Krarup Erlang.
$ agner list -d
abnfc An ABNF parser generator for Erlang
agner A Giant Nebula of Erlang Repositories
bcrypt Erlang wrapper for OpenBSD's Blowfish password hashing code
beamjs Erlang-based JavaScript platform
$ agner search mochi
$ agner fetch mochijson
remote: Counting objects: 1366, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (555/555), done.
remote: Total 1366 (delta 925), reused 1133 (delta 780)
Receiving objects: 100% (1366/1366), 571.75 KiB | 306 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (925/925), done.
$ cd mochijson && ls
LICENSE README rebar scripts support
Makefile examples rebar.config src
Читайте також:
- kerl - easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances
- Erlang CouchDB fault-tolerance
- Erlang: convert any string to binary utf8
- QR-code erlang library
- Tutorial: Developing in Erlang with Webmachine, ErlyDTL, and Riak
- Основи Erlang
- Webmachine redirect resource example
- Random shuffle in erlang
- Simple generating XML in Erlang Using xmerl
- etc snapshots with git