kerl – easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances
When I upgraded my Mac OS X and my MacPorts Erlang was update to R16B03-1 version I have problem with new version of Erlang. I
life notes and experience
When I upgraded my Mac OS X and my MacPorts Erlang was update to R16B03-1 version I have problem with new version of Erlang. I
I found a good qrcode erlang library, added rebar support
You can track your /etc directory with git, and have apt update it automatically each time a package is installed.
One of the many nifty features of bash is that it provides context-sensitive completion, but for some reason this capability isn’t part of the bash
I thought this was a wonderful idea add it to my own bash prompt.
Agner is a rebar-friendly Erlang package index inspired by Clojars and Homebrew. Essentially, Agner is an index of Erlang packages with some extra capabilities such
The own repositary more reliability
There is post about how to import a Subversion repository into git.